whole works

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  1. Let's take a look at how this whole process works, as it can be tricky to understand without a bit of a primer.
  2. Let's start at the client side, where you can walk through how the whole process works from front to back.
  3. About a month ago Sharon Gilbert was hit with a runny nose, sore throat and a cough. The whole snotty works.
  4. I remain unpersuaded that government could ignore the way the credit-creation system as a whole works ( or, rather, does not).
  5. I picked some kind of online abacus picture, drawing into a tattoo design style, the whole works with a three and a half hours.
  6. Analysis of Whole Class Works Individual Workers Respirable Dust Monitoring and Dust-proof Countermeasures
  7. His stories are strong in criticism which is all through the whole works and surpasses the criticism to man and things in common sense to cognition.
  8. And your whole system works at it's optimum level for you to work at your optimum level on your highest good for your path.
  9. Sequencing and Analysis of Full-length Gene Encoding the Group 7 Allergen from Dermatophagoides farinae Analysis of Whole Class Works Individual Workers Respirable Dust Monitoring and Dust-proof Countermeasures
  10. This year the whole group works much better together and the progress was inevitable.
  11. William Faulkner adopts three-dimensional and intersected structures in his works, namely, the streams of consciousness, multiple narrative perspectives, indirect narration, multiple plots, and the structures of his whole works being three-dimensional and intersected.
  12. Robot City is a living machine where everything is interconnected, so if something goes wrong here it's going to effect the whole works.
  13. This paper cites a boiler's control unit as example to illustrate how the control unit implements above functions, and how the whole system works as a distributed control system.
  14. When the whole chain works in sync, there can be a dramatic leap in the speed and efficiency of product development.
  15. A fourth set attempts to measure progress in the way the International Federation as a whole works together, particularly the development of cooperation strategies leading to long-term partnerships.
  16. Unless stated in the bid documents, the contract shall be for the whole works as described in the schedule of requirements and scope of work based on the schedule of unit prices submitted.
  17. In the whole works, Britten try to break the traditional method to produce color and sound effects which is totally different from the traditional function harmony.
  18. Her whole works is limited, but it involved in many fields, such as literature, philosophy, fine arts, medicine, and other fields.
  19. Alcoholic culture exists here and there in the whole works.
  20. During the process of visual communication design, the original idea and the design representation are always the most important aspects to determine the final spread effect of the whole works of design.
  21. College office works will exert more and more important influence in the whole works of college, especially, as local college office works how to adapt to developing situation requirements and keep abreast of the times is very important.
  22. Seeing Alice Walker's The Color Purple, according to the view of the archetypal criticism, we will find the work is just a story about the Cinderella, it was the theme of suffering hardship and rescuing that ran through in the whole works.
  23. Being one of the elements of plastic arts, refers to the visual effects produced by the creation of figure and the construction of the whole works reacted to visual aethetic feeling, visual psychology and theme transmission.
  24. The efficiency of application was evaluated and whole research works were concluded, by the way, the shortages of this study were pointed out and should been strengthen in later study.
  25. Ideological and political work is The Life Line of the whole works and the youth ideological and political education is the most important.
  26. It is the soul of the whole works* it is the Embodiment of the arts to show his feelings.
  27. To the Qing dynasty in a dream of red mansions, the mirror works become one of the five title-"Chinese ancient" pretty, the whole works, implies a large mirror, according to a person, to deepen the theme of his works.
  28. Firstly, the narrative language is very straightaway, the daily used language fits in the whole works.
  29. Section ⅱ, description of Funeral Customs figures on the promotion end, put together the structure of the whole works.
  30. With the strategic objective implementation of "Gulf-based city" of Xiamen City, the comprehensive treatment engineering in East Sea in Xiamen ( CTEESXM), as a major readjustment of economic structure, is a whole works of sea improvement and shoreline remediation.